# Non-Deterministic Processor (NDP) - efficient parallel SAT-solver
# Copyright (c) 2023 GridSAT Stiftung
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# GridSAT Stiftung - Georgstr. 11 - 30159 Hannover - Germany - ipfs: gridsat.eth/ -
import hashlib
import ast
from configs import *
from Clause import *
import functools
class Set:
def __init__(self, str_input=None, id=0, properties=None):
self.clauses = []
self.value = None = id
self.computed_hash = None
self.final_names_map = []
self.evaluated_vars = {}
self.original_values = {}
self.highest_occurring_var = 1
# create a Set object from input string
if str_input:
seq = str_input
seq = seq.replace('(', '')
seq = seq.replace(')', '')
clauses = seq.split('&')
clauses_set = []
for cl in clauses:
s = cl.split('|')
# remove duplicates within clause
s = frozenset(map(int, s))
# adding in a set container will remove duplicate clauses but will shuffle input order, so don't do it
# create clauses objects
i = 1
for cl in clauses_set:
c = Clause(cl)
c.initial_index = i
i += 1
except Exception as e:
print("Error: " + str(e))
if properties:
# deserialize set's properties when retrieved from the DB
# As of now we have 3 properties: evaluated_vars, original_vars, final_names_map
# are stored as string in order, all are concatenated using '|'
def deserialize_properties(self, properties):
self.evaluated_vars = {}
self.original_values = {}
self.final_names_map = []
evaluated_vars, original_values, final_names_map = properties.split('|')
### get evaluated_vars
if evaluated_vars:
# input evaluated vars should be in the format [comma delimited true variables]-[comma delimited false variables]
# for example: '1,3,5,2-6,4' => {1:true, 3:true, 5:true, 2:true, 6:false, 4:false}
true_vars, false_vars = evaluated_vars.split('-')
flag = True
for vars in (true_vars, false_vars):
if vars:
self.evaluated_vars.update({v:flag for v in list(map(int, vars.split(',')))})
flag = not flag
### get original_values
if original_values:
#example format: {2:5,3:6,4:1,5:8,6:2,7:7,8:4,9:9}
self.original_values = ast.literal_eval(original_values)
### get final_names_map
if final_names_map:
# example format: [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
self.final_names_map = ast.literal_eval(final_names_map)
# convert evaluated_vars, original_values and final_names_map to string for DB storage
def serialize_properties(self):
### evaluated_vars
# convert evaluated vars of this set into string for DB storage
# the format is [comma delimited true variables]-[comma delimited false variables]
true_ev_vars = []
false_ev_vars = []
for k,v in self.evaluated_vars.items():
if v: true_ev_vars.append(str(k))
else: false_ev_vars.append(str(k))
ev_var_serialized = ','.join(true_ev_vars) + '-' + ','.join(false_ev_vars)
### original_values
original_values_serialized = str(self.original_values)
### final_names_map
final_names_map_serialized = str(self.final_names_map)
return ev_var_serialized + '|' + original_values_serialized + '|' + final_names_map_serialized
# when all clauses in a set get evaluated, then the set has a final value
def set_value(self, val):
self.value = val
def add_clause(self, cl):
# no need to add new clauses if the set is already evaluated previous to False
if self.value == False:
if cl.value == False:
elif cl.value == True and len(self.clauses) == 0:
elif cl.value == None:
# if cl == True, then it has no meaning to add it
def sort_within_clauses(self):
for i in range(0, len(self.clauses)):
def sort_clauses(self):
#self.clauses = sorted(self.clauses)
def sort_by_var(cl):
return abs(cl.raw[0])
if len(self.clauses) > 0 and len(self.clauses[0].raw) > 0:
def rename_vars(self):
# start from 1
id = 1
names_map = {}
# keep track of the highest occurring var
highest_occurring_vars_map = {}
for cl in self.clauses:
for i in range(0, len(cl.raw)):
sign = -1 if cl.raw[i] < 0 else 1
new = names_map.get(abs(cl.raw[i]), None)
if new == None:
new = id
names_map[abs(cl.raw[i])] = new
id = id + 1
cl.raw[i] = new * sign
# calculate highest occurance var (should we count abs value?)
highest_occurring_vars_map[cl.raw[i]] = highest_occurring_vars_map.get(cl.raw[i], 0) + 1
self.highest_occurring_var = max(highest_occurring_vars_map, key=highest_occurring_vars_map.get)
var_positions = list(names_map.keys())
# if the set already gone through a round of rename before
if self.final_names_map:
self.final_names_map = [self.final_names_map[v-1] for v in var_positions]
# if it's first round of rename, typically LOU mode has only one rename round per set
self.final_names_map = var_positions
# l.o. state as in "Constructive patterns of logical truth", or "#2SAT is in P" p. 23:
# 1- variables within clauses are in ascending order.
# 2- clauses are in ascending ordered in the Set
# 3- All new Names/Indices of literals occurring for the first time in any clause of S are strictly greater than all the Literal Names/Indices occurring before them in S.
# 4- each clause is unique in the set. (this was already done on input parsing)
# 5- the minimum literal id in the set equals MIN_LITERAL (new rule not in the paper). This is to force renaming if previous conditions are met but IDs start from a large value.
#@param: mode:
# lo (linearly ordered), all conditions are met
# lou (linearly ordered universal), is a state where condition# 2 is skipped
# normal: only condition 1 is met
def is_in_lo_state(self, mode=MODE_LO):
# condition 3
if mode != MODE_NORMAL:
seen_vars = {}
if len(self.clauses) > 0 and len(self.clauses[0].raw) > 0:
min_var = abs(self.clauses[0].raw[0])
seen_vars[min_var] = True
# condition 5 check
if min_var > MIN_LITERAL:
logger.debug("Not in l.o.: min_var > MIN_LITERAL. min_var = {0}, MIN_LITERAL = {1}".format(min_var, MIN_LITERAL))
return False
# condition 3
for cl in self.clauses:
for var in cl.raw:
var = abs(var)
if var < min_var and not seen_vars.get(var, None):
logger.debug("Not in l.o.: var < min_var and not seen before. var = {0}, min_var = {1}".format(var, min_var))
return False
if not seen_vars.get(var, None):
seen_vars[var] = True
min_var = var
# condition #2: is sorted?
if mode != MODE_LOU:
min_var = abs(self.clauses[0].raw[0])
for cl in self.clauses:
var = abs(cl.raw[0])
if var < min_var:
return False
min_var = var
return True
# bring ONLY unit clauses to the far left (front of the set)
def place_unit_clauses_first(self):
def ShiftUnit(cl):
if len(cl.raw) == 1:
return -1
return 1
if len(self.clauses) > 0 and len(self.clauses[0].raw) > 0:
def sort_clauses_by_length(self):
def clause_len(cl):
return len(cl.raw)
if len(self.clauses) > 0 and len(self.clauses[0].raw) > 0:
def sort_clauses_by_len_and_initial_index(self):
self.clauses.sort(key=lambda cl: (len(cl.raw), cl.initial_index))
# convert to L.O. condition
def to_lo_condition(self, mode=MODE_LO, sort_by_size=False, thief_method=False):
# used in Thief method, sort by length,initial index
if thief_method:
if mode == MODE_FLOP or sort_by_size:
# bring unit clauses to the front of the set
# self.place_unit_clauses_first()
# rename
# check L.O. conditions
while not self.is_in_lo_state(mode):
# condition 2
if mode != MODE_LOU and mode != MODE_NORMAL:
if self.is_in_lo_state(mode):
# rename
# substitue the value of a var or more in the set.
# vars map is a map of var name and value, such as {1: True, 2: False, 6: True}
def substitute_vars(self, vars_map):
vars = set(vars_map.keys())
i = 0
while i < len(self.clauses):
cl = self.clauses[i]
# does the clause has any of the evaluated vars?
cl_vars = vars & set([abs(a) for a in cl.raw])
if len(cl_vars) == 0:
i += 1
cl_popped = False
clraw = list(cl.raw) # object copy
for v in clraw:
# if the clause evaluates to True, remove it
if (abs(v) in cl_vars) and ((vars_map[abs(v)] == True and v > 0) or (vars_map[abs(v)] == False and v < 0)):
cl_popped = True
elif abs(v) in cl_vars:
# for left branch, remove the var from the clause
if len(cl.raw) == 0:
# here it's unit clause that has a False value
cl.value = False
if not cl_popped:
i += 1
# evaluate the set and produce two branches
def evaluate(self):
# sanity check
if len(self.clauses) <= 0 or len(self.clauses[0].raw) <= 0:
return (None, None)
# always pick the left most variable and evaluate based on it.
pivot = abs(self.clauses[0].raw[0])
#pivot = self.highest_occurring_var
# Left Set: iterate through clauses, for each clause check if it has pivot, set it to True. If it has -pivot, remove the variable from the set
# Right Set: opposite of left
left_set = Set()
right_set = Set()
left_clauses = []
right_clauses = []
for c in self.clauses:
cl = Clause(c.raw)
cl.initial_index = c.initial_index
# remove clause, i.e. set the var to true
if pivot in cl.raw:
# for left branch, the clause will be set to true. i.e. removed. (will not be added to left_clauses)
# for right branch, remove the var from the clause
if len(cl.raw) > 0:
#ncl = Clause(cl.raw)
cl.substituted = True
# if it's the last variable, then the clause will be evaluated to False, then all the Set will be False
# if it's negated, remove it from the clause and return the rest
elif -pivot in cl.raw:
# for right branch, the clause will be set to true. i.e. removed.
# for left branch, remove the var from the clause
if len(cl.raw) > 0:
cl.substituted = True
# if it's the last variable, then the clause will be evaluated to False
lcl = Clause(cl.raw)
lcl.initial_index = c.initial_index
left_set.clauses = left_clauses
right_set.clauses = right_clauses
if len(left_clauses) == 0 and left_set.value == None:
if len(right_clauses) == 0 and right_set.value == None:
# set a map to the original variables in each set
for sset in (left_set, right_set):
vars = sset.get_variables()
sset.original_values = {v:self.original_values[self.final_names_map[v-1]] for v in vars}
left_set.evaluated_vars = {**self.evaluated_vars, self.original_values[self.final_names_map[abs(pivot)-1]]:True}
right_set.evaluated_vars = {**self.evaluated_vars, self.original_values[self.final_names_map[abs(pivot)-1]]:False}
return (left_set, right_set)
def to_string(self, pretty=True, only_evaluated_clauses=False):
# if the set evaluates to a value
if self.value != None:
res = str(self.value)[0]
return res
# This shouldn't ever happen. If the set doesn't have a value, then it must has clauses
if len(self.clauses) == 0:
raise ValueError('A set with empty clauses and no evaluated values!')
res_arr = []
for cl in self.clauses:
if len(cl.raw):
if only_evaluated_clauses and not cl.substituted:
if pretty:
res_arr.append('(' + ' | '.join(map(str, cl.raw)) + f')[{cl.initial_index}]')
res_arr.append('|'.join(map(str, cl.raw)))
if pretty:
res = ' & '.join(res_arr)
res = '&'.join(res_arr)
return res
# return a list of variables in the set
def get_variables(self):
vars = set()
for cl in self.clauses:
vars |= set(map(abs, cl.raw))
return list(vars)
def calculate_hash(input_str):
# sha1 hash
return hashlib.sha1(bytes(input_str, "ascii")).digest()
def get_hash(self, force_recalculate=False):
if self.computed_hash == None or force_recalculate:
self.computed_hash = Set.calculate_hash(self.to_string(pretty=False))
return self.computed_hash
def print_set(self):
def get_true_set_hash():
return Set.calculate_hash('T')
def get_false_set_hash():
return Set.calculate_hash('F')