What is GridSAT?
GridSAT is a July 1 2021 German non-profit foundation eligible to issue tax-deducible donation certificates. It is run by the stealth-startup EasyXPS, Inc. (XPS).
Capitalized - among others - with 100% of the authorized XPS shares and a data center with 168 CPU / 116.736 CUDA cores donated by 3onic Systems, Inc., GridSAT deploys an NDP (Non-Deterministic Processor) with unlimited linear scalability (processor cores/threads) on IPFS.
What is the Vision&Mission?
Open Everything: Open Knowledge, Open Source, Open Data, Open Access, Open Education, Distributed Operations, and the NDP being totally free of any charge.
Everything else is up to your fantasy.

What is the compelling reason to support GridSAT?
Making formerly uncomputable solutions available with non-compromising Open Everything drives humanity altogether potentially leveling off with Non-Human Intelligence (NHI).
How does GridSAT secure its value proposition?
GridSAT leverages distributed blockchain technology mirrored all over the planet:
What are the risks?
Time will tell if the NDP necessarily destroys humanity or if it blesses it.
Copyright © GridSAT Stiftung 2021-2024
All Rights Waived. Reprint and use freely, in any manner desired, even without naming the source.
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